The 6th and final day of my solo hike in the Grand Canyon, March 19, 2021, has me exiting out Grandview Trail and back into civilization. Why was everyone wearing masks??? Oh yeah….”pandemic” It was nice to forget about that for a week.
Up at 6:00 and ready to roll!! Checked out the scenery from the composting toilets. 😉 Was packed up and out of camp by 7:15 after a light breakfast of a power bar.
Coming right out of camp on Horseshoe Mesa you go up. Of course! All day is going to be up….it took me a brief moment to figure out where to go, but the direction was obvious. Mixed emotions knowing this would be my last day in the Canyon, but also knowing there was an ice cold beer awaiting me!
The trail was relatively easy at this point, just a rolling, slight climb through easy terrain. I knew I’d better enjoy this while I could. While I temporarily lost site of the exit point (is it ‘that’ one, or ‘that’ one?), I knew it was UP. There would be lots of climbing left to do today.
The trail just meanders along, up and down, and around. You can easily tell this is a much more used route – started by miners long ago – so it often had rock stairs or cobblestone like paths. I cannot imagine the work and effort that was put into this.
I had read some areas along this trail were victim to a flash flood and the NPS repaired them. I’m not exactly sure what sections they were, from what I read they tried to use the same style of trail building, although with modern technology, to make it blend in.
I was saddened to see I was getting closer to civilzation by graffiti. Really? I saw a lot of it along the Rim, but this was the first on a trail. I kinda doubt “Ed” was an old-timey miner from long ago.
The trail finally started its more severe ascent to the Rim. The familiar cobblestones appeared, but as I got closer to the top, the more snow and ice appeared also. Again I was SO thankful I had my trekking poles and microspikes.
At this point I was starting to see people. There was one group – all in red shirts – behind me, and random folks coming down. Several were day hikers, and some just starting their backcountry journey.
I remember meeting 3 generations of hikers – Mom, daughter, grand-daughter. The grand-daughter had to be 10 or younger, proudly displaying her can of Pringles in her pack side pocket. I couldn’t barter a trade for nothing! ha ha They were super friendly and I hope they enjoyed their trip! I can’t remember their route – I think a couple days at Hance Creek then back up.
The red shirt gang finally caught up to me, it was a boy scout troop and leaders. If I recall correctly, 4-5 boys, 3-4 adults. What I won’t forget is the older gentleman in their group, had to be 70’s or more, leaving me in the dust!! This dude was a machine, I was in awe and can only hope I have that stamina and grace as I age. They topped out just a few minutes before me.
This is one of those sections along the trail where you just stop and admire the work and toughness of the miners long before us. Wow. There was no place for an actual trail here, so they made one. Huge timbers intertwined to make a trail platform. Absolutely amazing to see and walk on. Old timey dudes were bad-asses, that’s all there is to it.

I made it! What a joyous event! I finished just behind another, larger group of Boy Scouts and their leaders.
Tons of tours on the Rim, the place was a fury of activity. After seeing hardly no one for 6 days it was a culture shock. And everyone was wearing masks, I had been able to forget about all that was happening in the world. It was pretty nice not having a care in the world.
A tour guide was kind enough to get some photos of me, she’s the one who told me what happened on the Rim here the day before, or at least what she had heard. News travels among the guides, but I cannot find anything online with the rescue. I’m sure its in the rescue logs somewhere.
Back in Civilization
And a Lou Malnati’s deep dish sausage pizza. You can buy these frozen in their stores (or have them shipped to you), so I had packed one for this exact moment. I cooked it up in the convection microwave in the RV – I didn’t have much experience with it yet, so wasn’t sure how it would turn out. It was perfect.

Route Map and Restrospective

From Horseshoe Mesa is just over 3 miles, and took me about 4 hours, topping out at noon. I stopped and enjoyed the scenery, walked slow and enjoyed my final moments in the Canyon. It was a tough hike up, no question, and I was glad I had my trekking poles and micro-spikes.